Facts About Termites Make Us Uncomfortable

It would be so much easier if termites had no purpose whatsoever. Then we could just try to eradicate them completely. The fact is that we are taking over so much space that termites are one of the creatures that are being forced to compete for territory. Unfortunately for us, this species plays an important role in the wild. They are responsible for quickly recycling wood and other organic material back into the earth. This is an import task and also replenishes the earth with nutrients. Who is to blame for the war? Is it us or them? The important question is can the earth survive without termites?

control termite

Facts About Termites For the Homeowner

There would be few people who are unable to tell you a story or two about unwanted confrontations they have had with these destructive pests. Some people, on the other hand, may say that they have never had any problems with termites, but this is most probably due to the fact that they have mistaken termites for white ants. This is easy to do as white ants look very much like termites and are the same in size and body structure.

Unfortunately for those who make this mistake. it can turn out to be very costly once the termites have moved into their homes. Then things become a nightmare as the insects they thought was so innocent go about diligently and with a single-minded concentration on their path of devouring your home around you as you sleep.

For most people termites mean problems, money wasted and a pesky nuisance they want to keep far away from. There are facts though that tells the tale of the importance of termites in the process that is called nature. These tiny insects are very important in the balance of the ecosystem.

So Let us Have a Look at the Following Facts About Termites that Most People Do Not Know:

  • Termites are found across 70% of the planet and they outnumber humans to the ratio of ten to one.
  • Termites have been around for about 240 million years and have utter resilience and the ability to keep on adapting to the ever-changing environment of the world.
  • Termites are far harder working than humans; worker termites never rest and work 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.
  • Though these termites are virtually blind they work non-stop to hoard food and in the construction of their mounds.
  • Their mounds are constructed in intricate patterns of chambers and galleries and are so well ventilated that it is estimated that they create the most cost-effective buildings of all.
  • Human architects have started studying the termite mound construction to understand the concept of the mound designs and to see to what use these designs can be put for the good of humankind.
  • Termites are unable to differentiate between trees in nature and the beautiful woods used in the construction of your home.
  • It is estimated that termites can live for up to 40 years and they have the longest recorded reproductive life of all creatures, hence the reason for their ability to dramatically multiply and produce colonies of millions.
Red Termites

Most likely people do not want to be reminded that termites actually have a place in nature and are valuable contributors in the maintaining of the balance of the ecosystem, but the facts speak for themselves. Get more info about termites by calling Melbourne Termite Control professionals. At Fast Pest Control Melbourne, we provides termite control services at affordable prices. Check out our blog titled what to do about fruit flies on plants.

Read More: – 9 Facts About Termites You Should Know About ASAP!

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